
My parents are on a health kick right now. They’re both dieting, they both have time constraints on eating, they both want dinner at 7:00. I’m 17, so you see the problem there. Whenever I cook, I have to figure out how to make food within their constraints. This time, they didn’t want me to use all-purpose flour. Luckily, I know of a great whole-wheat 00 flour made by a company called TWF(Not sponsored). They’re reasonably priced, and the quality is amazing. My mom also prefers buttermilk scones to egg scones, so one google search later, I had a recipe. Of course, I needed self rising flour for the scones, but that just required me to add some baking powder and it made a pretty neat substitute. We’d made scones multiple times before, so it wasn’t too foreign to me. I chopped a bar of cooking chocolate into chunks and added a few handfuls of cranberries to the dough, and the scones were done.

Then came the lemon curd. I used the basic recipe linked below, and it worked quite well. It does come out a bit runny, but the notes below the recipe have a solution to this. I also would recommend you be a bit brave with the cooking step, keep going until you think it’s decently thick, and don’t worry about the slightly eggy smell, since that goes away during the setting, and you can’t taste it at all. Pretty basic recipe, nothing very special.

The whipped cream was actually the most fun of the lot. A lot of the times, people say that it’s harder to whip cream in warmer climates. Personally, I think there’s quite a nifty little solution. Cream whips best when it remains chilled, and there’s 2 ways to do this. Firstly, an ice bath. It takes about half a tray of smallish ice cubes and some water. All you need to do is put the ice cubes and water in a large bowl and place a smaller bowl with the cream inside the bath while whipping. Another easy way is to freeze the cream for a bit. Freezing the cream helps it whip easier, and it helps make a much stiffer peak. A couple other tips while whipping are to make sure that you turn the bowl while whipping and gradually increase the speed of your hand/stand blender, instead of starting at full speed. I’d recommend whipping at the absolute minimum for a minute, until it’s very smooth, then at medium until it’s forming soft-medium peaks, and then at high for a minute or two more until it is absolutely stiff.

And yeah, that’s the recipe. The only thing left was serving, and I had some beautiful morello cherry jam which I served along with the lemon curd. With a nice green tea, this is a great evening snack…just don’t expect to have much of an appetite for dinner

Buttermilk scones -

Lemon curd Recipe -

Whole wheat 00 Flour(Only on -


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