A small change of pace, Chicken Tacos and mushrooms.
As most of my readers may know, this blog is about the food that I usually cook. Now while at home, that tends to be vegetarian, healthy food, but if you read my last post, I'M IN NEW YORK!!! Therefore, since I'm living with my aunt and uncle, who are absolutely not vegetarians, I will do as the romans do and cook with meat (My aunt and uncle also eat healthy, so that didn't change).
Now when it comes to meats, I am hopelessly outclassed by them in terms of cooking. However, as many of you know, the fact that I am outclassed doesn't mean I won't try. Therefore, I decided to make chicken tacos for them. The tacos had 8 different elements, but this time, I didn't make them all from scratch (I know! I really wanted to make them, but I also didn't want to mess up the kitchen entirely, so I had to compromise).
Refried beans (if they can be called that): Initially, my aunt had made some fresh beans in the pressure cooker for a salad, but she had quite a bit left over, so we decided to make refried beans. I put the beans into a pan with some butter, chipotle and parmesan and cooked it a bit, so it wasn't technically refried, but it was extremely delicious.
Chicken: The chicken was REALLY GOOD! I think this recipe was just incredible, and lots of credit to samin nosrat (Author of Salt Fat Acid Heat) for this one. In the show, she made a dish called pavo en escabeche, and I decided to adapt this recipe to chicken. Just make the recado and coat the chicken thighs with it, then grill it nicely. Shred it a bit and use it on the tacos. It's honestly as simple as that.
Mushrooms (alternative to chicken): If you're making a vegetarian version, just do what you would do to the chicken to the mushrooms instead. Cover them in those spices, roast them nicely and serve.
Pickled onions: Again, a decent onion pickle recipe is available on the SFAH website, but I'm going to make a recommendation here. The recipe needs a little bit of spice, so add some jalapeño peppers or green chilis to the pickling juice, and add some good savoury spices for the flavour.
Other elements: I bought the tortilla wraps for the tacos, but there are lots of good recipes available to make them from scratch, and which can be modified to be significantly healthier too. I also used some raw spinach and some cheddar on top, which really gives a good freshness, and some roasted bell peppers so my mother would see a good variety of vegetables on the taco. I'm linking recipes to all of the elements I made or that I would suggest making below.
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