Now that we're done with the seriousness of the pop-up...DONUTS


While I was in NYC this summer, I also tried a few interesting donuts. In fact, I ate a lot of beautiful donuts, but this one truly blew me away. So let's deconstruct it. First...who made this?? Well, there's an extremely interesting chef named Zoë Kanan, who set up a pop up restaurant in a little shop called Natoora around Brooklyn. I actually missed her pop up the week before, so when I found out she was doing another one, I jumped at it. 

Now to the donut. Of course, the basic requirement for a donut, the texture. As good as her flavours were, she did not fall short on texture either. There was great attention to detail in every step of the process, and it shows. It was soft with a mild doughy flavour. Just what you expect from a donut. 

The glaze was a blueberry glaze, and honestly it was special. There wasn't anything different from a normal blueberry glaze, but it was not too sweet, and very sour with the blueberry flavour actually being the hero of the dish, and not the sugar unlike most donuts in the US. And if she had left it there, those donuts would have been some of the best donuts I'd had. 

But leaving it there is no fun. So she went a step further. You're probably most curious about the yellow squiggle on top...and I'm going to make you wait a second. First, I'm going to ask you this...what ingredients go well with blueberry in a dessert? Lemon...which there is...and? If you said olive oil, firstly you should be a chef, and secondly, yes. She thought of olive oil. So that is an olive oil and lemon gel. Oh My God. It's innovation on another level, and it works so well! 

Think about the flavours. Sweetness of the blueberry glaze, sourness of the blueberries, even more sourness from the lemon and lemon zest, and slight savouriness from the olive oil. I can't describe how surprised I was when I heard about the donut, but it REALLY works. So try it. Toss some blueberries in sugar and lemon juice and drizzle a bit of olive oil when you're about to eat them. I guarantee it will taste good as long as you don't overdo it.


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